Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Dose of Introspection

I'm going through a rather tumultuous period in my life. Not the bad kind, no, the good.

My humble abode is a whopping 1,335 square feet with basic necessities like AC and heat, a stable roof (I think?), clean running water, etc. Not bad if you live in a 3rd world society? But just slightly better than mediocre in "our" society.

So I'm in the process of "cleaning house" to make way for major renovations. As I am reluctant to making decisions, what do I do with all the books I've accumulated over 47 years of living?

The first thing that occurred to me is that, Kurt, you must keep some of them! After all, are not the books on your shelf basically a window into you?

Yes, but books occupy space and collect lots of dust.....

If I want to reveal to somebody who I am, well, I'll just talk to them?

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